Embrace health, happiness, and harmony through a wellthy lifestyle. Discover my unique approach to sustainable living.

Welcome to ARIVER!

Wellthy Eco Luxury Lifestyle™ (W.E.L.L.)

Hi, I’m Ariëlle Verweij!.

I stand for living a holistic, conscious, compassionate, and aware lifestyle.

Wellthy stands for Wellness and Wealth combined, Eco stands for being ecologically conscious and responsible, Luxury stands for abundance and Lifestyle stands for the way you desire to live.

The acronym is W.E.L.L.

I like to inspire women over 50 in becoming more wellthy, feminine, attracting a loving and positive relationship, while staying interdependent.

Feeling happy, whole and excited about life is something women desire and deserve, and therefore living the Wellthy Eco Luxury Lifestyle is paramount to that.

My personal brand ARIVER is about excellence, timelessness, ageless love and living one’s best life.

Improving wellness by
inspiring wellthy living

I’ve been on a personal wellness journey for over fifty years, and this has helped me maintain my youthful body while I have been in my sixties. In addition, I feel fully energized, and I wear the same clothing sizes as when I was many years younger.

I trained as a macrobiotic health consultant and cook, and I’m certified as a fitness & nutrition, wellness, holistic life, stress management, online and green living coach.

Although I’m no longer working as a Wellthy Lifestyle Coach, I created this blog because many women 50 plus feel like they need to sacrifice their quality of life in order to have what they desire. My philosophy is that you can have both!

You can do it too – and I’ll help you get there.

Who Am I

Learn about Ariëlle and her journey to living a Wellthy Eco Luxury Lifestyle.

My Wellthy Wisdom

Wellthy Eco Luxury Lifestyle blogs, to transform yourself into an irresistible feminine & wellthy lady.

Writing Books

Looking for an inspiring author who has written from her heart  about her experiences?

Start Your Golden Love Journey With This Complimentary Guide!

Golden Love Guide To Attract Ageless Love In Your Golden Years. Discover key steps and strategies for finding lasting love and fulfillment, including recognizing the need for change, embracing new practices, and utilizing the W.E.L.L. Fusion Mode

Professional Recommendations

“Ariëlle has a passion for helping people to feel and look younger longer.”

Ellen Reynolds

Health and Wellness Consultant

Texas, USA

“A mom with a great story to tell and experiences to go with. Makes a great example for helping other moms get thru anything.”


Linda King

Wholistic Medical Massage and Feng Shui Design

Oregon, USA

“I love the energy and knowledge that Ariëlle shares with customers and clients related to health and fitness!”

Nanette Herrera

MPA, CPSW, MHFA and independent consultant

California, USA




Ariëlle Verweij’s e-book
is now available!

Turn On Your Youthful Body, Beauty and Energy at 50 Plus

Sign up below to get your free copy of my “A Busy Woman’s Powerful 4-Step Wellthy Success Guide”